Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Beginning of a Revolution

The Madison Movement starts today. Right now, it's nothing more than one post on one blog with one big hope. The purpose of this blog is to encourage the people of the world to slow down global destruction. Starting with my family, spreading out to other families in Madison, spreading out to other community groups in Madison and eventually affecting the city, the movement would then theoretically start chapters in other cities around the United States and eventually the globe.

This movement is a sort of promise to myself to:

1) Whenever possible, buy used.

I will try to keep a running list of websites/stores which sell used products in Madison and around the world.

2) Avoid plastic whenever possible.
  • Instead of teflon painted pans to use stainless steel or iron pots and pans
  • Use wood and cotton furnishings

I will try to post reviews about products which are alternatives to plastics.

3) To buy local whenever possible
  • One of the main sources of carbon into the atmosphere is international and between city freights bringing us the products that we demand.

I will try to post about local businesses which are selling quality local products and reviews on those products

4) To buy organic whenever possible
  • Organic food is not just about health, it's also about sustainable agriculture. Genetically engineered food has it's place when it comes to feeding the hungry of the world, but for those who are not starving there are other options.
I will try to post recipe's on this site which use more inexpensive organic grains to make delicious family meals

5) Use as little energy as possible and try to use alternative sources of energy when possible
  • Take public transportation
  • Use energy saving light bulbs
  • Use power cords that can be turned off at night
  • Use soy clean-burning candles when you don't really need so much light
  • Don't watch so much t.v. (or in my case, don't buy one so the temptation won't be there)
  • Use sunlight to heat the house and close the curtains at night to keep the warmth in
  • Turn off the lights/computer/engine/whatever not in use
  • Don't buy non-reusable things
  • Have a smallish refrigerator
  • Use internet/digital storage devices instead of paper when possible

I will try to post reviews on solar energy products, electric bicycles, scooters, public transportation, new ways to save energy, new biofuels, etc.

5) This list is not nearly comprehensive and I will do my best to add to it.